Tuesday, September 23, 2008

~time for change~

I have a hankerin' to go shopping. A need for some snazzy new clothes....a pair of shoes. Something for me. There is only one problem....money and the lack there of. And so I have decided that since my *money for mama to spend on herself* is negligible I will update other aspects of my life.....this blog for instance. Sure I only had the other rather lovely template for a few weeks, but when the season calls for change, change we must. So here it is...my snazzy new *dud's*...me, fully decked out in the latest blogger fashion..lolol. Hope you like my new look!!



Chelsea said...

lovin' the new duds. Inspires me to pick up some of my own!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Wow - it looks lovely, Jenn! Simply lovely!