We had planned to camp. We ventured off into the lush, green provincial park, set up our super amazing 4 season 8 person tent, tarpped out a "kitchen" and set up house.
Night 1: kids cozy and warm, Adam and I? frozen, sore and sleep deprived.
Night 2: kids cozy and warm, Adam and I cozy and warm, torrential 24 hour downpour turning our tent into something not entirely unlike sleeping inside a snare drum in a marching band....actually, louder and far more committed then that. (did i mention I'm claustrophobic...not fun, not fun at all)
Needless to say when we woke up, Adam already off to work, I declared that camping was officially over and off we went to our cozy, favorite motel.
I am LOVING this motel!! Simple pleasures like hot water and walls...who knew motel living could be so grand??
On a serious note we are on the hunt for our new home. I am doing my darnedest to wrap myself in the faith that made this all possible in the first place. I am re acquainting myself with trust...feeling it more and more as I recover from 2 days of the worst camping trip EVER!! But I made it this far with sanity intact. Through weeks of husband less packing. Through the crazy adventure that scrubbing our 3600 sq ft house turned out to be....thanks to some amazing friends who came to help out! I couldn't have done it without you guys!
I am sitting here now, sipping my Egyptian Licorice tea watching my children engrossed in a game....its amazing what a basket of animals/magical creature can inspire. Their sweet jammied bodies sprawled out on the carpet for the third hour in a row. Yay for creative children!!
And me? Today I book appointments with our realtor, I crunch numbers to see if an amazing place is in our reach, I relax....and apparently I blog.
oh, and I dream of babies.....apparently this is becoming an every night phenomenon.
You go girl!!! Wow, it all that I can say. The fact you considered camping (we have a tent but have yet to even tried camping) the fact that you managed two days the fact that your children play for three hours together in a hotel room!
I wish we lived closer. Good luck with the house hunt. No matter what it will be home, and so, perfect.
Yay for walls and for the appreciation of simple pleasures!
I hope you're able to find a home you can easily make lovely!
I'm so happy to have a move update! Your life sounds so adventures all the time...I want in! :)
Good luck with the house hunting. We are playing with that idea as well. It may be a bit much with baby boy on his way to us soon, but we will see.
Hope you find something grand!
Oh yes...and I am claustrophobic as well. Boy, can that be a treat sometimes.
glad to hear you are all warm & cozy!
i want to come camping with you sometime ... sans the torrential downpours. i think you will be finding your house of dreams ... no your ingleside and there were ... six children at ingleside and twin girls as well!!! oh you will recognize it when you see it ... you've done the hard part already ... following your melodious heart!!!
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